Here are the frequently asked questions that we have compiled to help you find the answers to the problems you are wondering.


Will You Increase My Website Speed?

We will! In almost every case we improve both our client’s website speed and performance. There are some cases where speed may need to be sacrificed for another metric, but in every example we do what is best to help your website generate more sales. Page speed can be complicated. Technically speaking, the best page speed is achieved from an entirely blank page on a very fast hosting service. Now obviously a blank page will not result in any customers buying your product, so there is a careful balance of adding features, elements, and images to a page to entice potential buyers into becoming customers. Finding that balance is a key skill in conversion optimization and in the designing of a good business website.

Does a Better Website Make More Money?

The short answer is yes, a better website will almost always result in more sales. However, there are a large amount of factors that can affect how much a website makes outside of just the design. If no one is finding your website at all, than changing the website may not increase your revenue by much. Though, in many cases a redesign is enough to have your website shown to more people in search results. However, in our experience the people who most benefit from our digital solutions are companies who already have an existing customer base but are losing out on new customers because of a poorly designed or poorly optimized website. In terms of increasing sales, one of the most significant factors in making a website generate higher profits is whether it functions properly on mobile devices. Mobile first web design philosophy is a core belief of ours here at Caveni; and that belief is 100% backed up by our own data and the data of many other organizations all across the world wide web. A small change like fixing the mobile version of a website is often enough on its own to increase the money coming in from prospective clients. Better local integration is a major plus in our experience and local integration is included as part of all of our projects. Don’t let your website languish without mobile optimization, fix it today!

How Long Does Web Development Normally Take?

It very much depends on the project! Some simple or local websites can be finished in about a week. However, we’ve had some very large projects that can stretch across multiple years. Really the only way to know how long a project will take it so ask directly. For the most part, the average small business website will take anywhere from one and a half weeks to a few months. Our projects are broken down into a few different sections to help you better understand our roadmap. The first part of our process is the design phase. At the beginning we will speak with your company about what you were hoping to achieve with your website. This includes us looking at examples of what you like, what you don’t like, and other statistics like traffic or sales. Once we have a good idea of how our design can help, we go about showing you examples of what we think would work best for you and your company. The design phase is entirely dependent on how fast we can decide as a collective on the best course of action and really will mostly depend on you as the customer! The next stage is where we actually build your vision. This stage is almost entirely handled on our end, with some updates for you on what we’re doing. We give you the chance to look at our progress and offer your own perspective as we continue into the development cycle. Once your development is done and the actual framework has been completed; we will begin the simple additions and tweaks that make your website unique. We use open-source stock photos in our design but will add your own photographs as we continue. We also will provide stock content in most cases to help with your own process if you want to make significant changes. However, in our full-service SEO packages we will handle all of your content entirely!

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